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Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Feeling Better, Grief, Love, mediumship, practical action, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Priority, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Uncategorized, Worries.
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Pain of Regret Healing.png


Painful photo? YES as the pain of regret IS very painful. Everything I have learned from BEING a parent and everything I have learned from the messages of apology that come through from loved one’s in eternal life to their children still living has taught me: there is no such thing as a perfect parent. And there is no such thing as a perfect human being. At least I have never met such a unique creature. ( In fact those parading around as perfect spiritual guru’s frighten me the most.)

SOOOOOOOO, should we stop TRYING because we can’t be perfect? If you say “yes” to that –  it is the same as being on a healthy diet, having something not so healthy to eat and then deciding all is lost so you might as well food binge for the next month.

FACE THE PAIN OF REGRET: Think about that ONE DAY that changed your whole life, at least it seemed like it did. You made a mistake. If only you could take that day back. The movie of that day plays over and over in your mind, year after year. This was a day you made a mistake as a parent.  There may have been other mistakes on other days, but this one day looms large on the horizon of your visions of the mistakes you made.

Do those mistakes matter now? Of course they matter now, but if you have faced your mistakes, have become a more balanced person, apologized for your mistakes, then it is high time that you FORGIVE YOURSELF even if you are not forgiven by others.


Were your parents perfect? Most likely not. Did they make mistakes that you have never forgiven them for in your heart. (It goes without saying that if you have been brutally abused you may not be able to forgive.)  But for the better part of us who had parents that ranged from close to perfect to emotionally abusive due to untreated mental illness or personality disorders: we have parents who loved us but who make mistakes that changed our lives in the same way that our mistakes changed the lives of our children.  It is amazing how we begin to understand and forgive the mistakes of our parents as we begin to understand our own mistakes AS parents.

As a medium I can tell many stories about the loved ones who come through in readings with very specific apologies to their living children. And as these loved ones in spirit are able to apologize it appears to me that they are able to move on in the never ending spiritual growth in Eternal Life.

YOU reading this, are still living and so you have the opportunity to apologize NOW.  You have the chance to forgive yourself NOW.


If you have children who have reached adulthood, have they been perfect children? Have they always treated you and other members of the family well? Most likely they have not as they are human beings like the rest of us and they are not perfect. As you forgive yourself for not being perfect, you may begin to forgive not only your parents, but your children.

And if your grown children are parents, most likely they will not become perfect parents as they are human beings and there are no perfect human beings.


There are colleagues in my field who believe that every thing we do, we do for the reason of learning, and everything that happens is meant to happen. I am not able to go along with that idea, and from my perspective there is absolutely no way to prove that concept. When someone is brutally abused I cannot accept that this was “meant to be.”

What I do accept is that we do not have control over all that happens in life. What we have more control over is how we respond to what happens.  And if we have behaved badly it was not written someplace in eternity that we were meant to behave badly. We must face our actions, cope with our regret, change our behaviors, and eventually forgive ourselves.  And if others have hurt us, depending on the severity of the circumstances, we need to find our way to forgiveness as much as we possibly can.

Let us focus on forgiving ourselves, and forgiving others. And while facing the regret, also focus on facing the reality that no one is perfect: I am not perfect, you are not perfect, they are not perfect. No one is perfect. Accepting our imperfect reality brings HEALING.

DEAR READERS: This post cannot possibly contain all of the many stories about different kinds of mistakes: mistakes we have made ourselves and the many ways we have suffered from the mistakes made by others.  Not even a whole book could include all of the mistakes human beings make. The topic of mistakes can be overwhelming, but we can make a start by accepting who we are as human beings and work to become better people making less mistakes.





Distance Healing October 22, 2009

Posted by Carole Lynne in Feeling Better, Love, spirituality in action, Uncategorized.
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Fall Green Leaves EditedWhen someone is ill, send love through distance healing.  Or perhaps you may call it “prayer.”  I believe that sending our love or sending our prayers creates a real a energy which travels thorugh the cosmos to the person in need.

Sometimes I like to visualize an image from nature, and then visualize that this image is saturated with healing.  Now it is time to imagine that I am sending this image to the person in need of healing.

Today I have one friend who is having a chemo therapy treatment, and anohter friend who has just been admitted to the hospital with a possible infection. I also spoke to a friend today who is mourning the recent passing of her mother.

My healing image today is of green leaves: leaves that are full of health and vitality.  I am pouring my love into these leaves and projecting thoughts of this image to my three friends.  This is my way of praying for those I love.

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne

Author of Cosmic Connection: Messages for a Better World, Consult Your Inner Psychic: Make Your Life Work Better, How to Get a Good Reading From a Psychic Medium and Heart and Sound.


Summer Stress Reduction Lesson August 12, 2009

Posted by Carole Lynne in Feeling Better, Grief, Love, practical action, Spiritual Awakening, spirituality in action.
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The last few weeks in August are for many of us a time to slow down a bit.   Hopefully we can catch some rays of sun and enjoy some hours of relaxation before the busy fall begins.

Summer can teach us a lesson: slower is often better. In our fast paced world, many of us create stressful lives.  It goes without saying that there are times for all of us when it is almost impossible to avoid extreme schedules.  But each of us needs to take a good look at our lives and the way we schedule activities, to see if there is a way to simplify our schedules.

I have had times in my life where I have been so busy that I have not been able to enjoy anything. Even a lunch out with a friend has been spent with both of us complaining about how busy we are.  We share huge sighs about all the problems of life and how we are coping. Of course life has its problems, but do we need to focus solely on our problems?

Can we find times to enrich our lives in a way that allows us to have something to talk about with our friends other than problems?

We are body, mind and spirit.   Let us nourish all parts of ourselves, and remember that ultimately we are spirits living in physical bodies.   Let us be more aware of the spirit within, and we may find that we are spending more time in relaxing uplifting activities.   We may find that we can have some summer-like days through out the year.

Psychic Medium and Inspiration Author Carole Lynne



Three “A” Prayers for Spiritual Help August 2, 2009

Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Feeling Better, Grief, practical action, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Education, Spiritual Priority, Uncategorized.
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When life is dragging you down, remember the three “A” prayers and you will be able to find the strength within to cope with your difficulty. With Divine guidance and practical actions, we can all cope with whatever we are presented with in life.

The ACCEPT Prayer

Let me accept life as it comes, knowing that life is filled with many ups and downs.  Let me accept other people as they are, knowing that while I do not have to go along with their actions, I can respect their individual rights.  Let me accept the natural passages in life of birth and death. Knowing that life is eternal, I can live with the knowledge that when my loved ones leave their physical bodies, their consciousness lives on in the eternal spiritual world.


Let me during times of stress alleviate all tasks that are not absolutely necessary.  Unless it gives me total satisfaction to clean out the garage, let me avoid taking on huge projects at this time.  Let me alleviate all social obligations unless my attendance is absolutely required, or attending such an event would be helpful to me at this time.  Let me remove all items from my diet that are likely to aggravate my digestion and my sleep, and let me do whatever exercise is acceptable for my physical condition, in order to reduce the current stress I am feeling.

The ASPIRE Prayer

Let me aspire to connect with that part of myself I call my Higher Self or Greater Self, knowing that it is this part of me that connects to Divine Consciousness.  As I aspire to be in touch with the spark of Divinity that is within me, and within each one of us, I will receive the blessings of the Divine through the cosmic connection that is my birthright.

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne




  • Cosmic Connection: Messages for a Better World
  • Consult Your Inner Psychic
  • How to Get a Good Reading From a Psychic Medium
  • Heart and Sound: Discover Your Soul Voice

Superficial Happiness or Lasting? June 9, 2009

Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Spiritual Priority, Uncategorized.
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In today’s world where we are so aware of what is happening with people all over the planet, it is hard to be blissfully happy in our own little world, unless we want to shut out all news from those around the globe. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to travel around the world, or even to less fortunate neighborhoods in our own country, know that serious poverty exists. When we see pictures of starving children on television, we know that those children are real and that the flies that buzz around them are real.

How happy can one be sitting on the beach drinking an iced cafe latte, knowing that others are starving? While facing this question does not bring immediate happiness, facing and dealing with the problems of the world will ultimately bring a real spiritual happiness, which is the core of bliss.   The superficial happiness that comes when we can buy a bigger house or a diamond ring, is not a lasting happiness.  As we evolve into higher states of consciousness and begin to give more of what we have to others, then we can find a lasting happiness.

Let us all pray that we can take an honest look at our world and find ways to help others through our prayers and through donations of money, goods and time.  As we help others, we help ourselves. We evolve into a better world where everyone can benefit from the joys life offers.  It is often the poor who give to the poor, as they know what it is like to be in need of food, housing and clothing.  Those of us who are not in poverty need to imagine what it would be like to be living on the street, trying to get enough food for each day.

As we raise our spiritual consciousness, we come to understand that We Are All One.  None of us are separate, and that child across the world who is staving, is part of us.  When we go to sleep at night, in the background of our consciousness we see that truth and know that all of us are connected.  Let us learn to see the truth about the world when we are in the waking state, so that we can reach out more to help those in need.  Then we will find lasting happiness.

Author and Psychic Medium Carole Lynne



Where to Begin to Help the MOST Needy? June 4, 2009

Posted by Carole Lynne in Feeling Better, Grief, Love, Spiritual Priority.
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Although many people are involved in projects that help others, there are also many of us who are searching for ways to help those who are in dire poverty: those without safe places to live, food to eat and medical attention available.

As we begin our search for the best ways to help others,  sometimes we confront feelings that are difficult to cope with. It is only in facing ourselves and our feelings that we can move ahead and give to the world.

The following are suggestions in overcoming the obstacles to providing help:

Coping With Extreme Sadness: Many people who have visited parts of their own country or parts of other countries where they have seen people dying on the street, are gripped with such intense sorrow that it can be almost impossible to cope with.   For some of us this sadness is the first step in realizing that we must give up some of what we have to others.  For some of us the pain is so overwhelming that we have to turn our backs and say “There are so many starving people, that there is nothing I can do.”

Seeing others dying or in deep pain can also activate sadness about the difficulties we have had in our own lives.  When this happens we can either evoke compassion for our own problems and the problems of others, or we can become again so overwhelmed with our own problems that all we can feel is anger and we are not able to help either ourselves or others.

One of the first steps in helping others is to find a way to cope with the sadness we experience. If we cannot cope with the emotional pain, we will most likely turn our backs on those who are desperate.

Making An Assessment of What One Can Do: Everyone can be helpful no matter what their life situation. Some have money to give, others do not. Some have time to give, others do not. There is no one way to help. There IS a way for each of us to help depending on our own life circumstances.  If we have money, then it is time to identify where we want to donate: to charitable organizations, or perhaps to a friend we know who is desperate at the moment.  If we are barely paying our own bills, then we do not have much money to donate at all, but we can research organizations that need money, and start a campaign to raise money by contacting all of our friends and acquaintances who DO have money to spend.

Years ago, I used to give pot luck parties to raise money for charitable organizations.  Everyone brought a dish, the musicians in the group played some music, and everyone donated what they could to the organization featured that evening. When possible, a member of the charitable organization spoke to us about the needs of their group.  A good time was had by all, and money was raised for the charity.  We did not raise alot of money: a few hundred dollars, but every penny helps when the need is great.

Some have no money to donate, but alot of time on their hands.  I know people and I am sure you also know those who are volunteering their time to groups such as Meals on Wheels or who volunteer in a hospice.  My sister in law Julie is in China at the moment volunteering her skills as a physical therapist, teaching parents of disabled children how to help their kids. Another sister in law Sharon, creates paintings that she sells to raise money for Babies Need Food. I am sure you know people in  your family who work for others, and perhaps you do yourself.

Coping with Complainers: On the other hand we also know people with alot of time on their hands who spend most of their time complaining and do not do anything to help themselves or others.  Perhaps we can gentley suggest to our complaining friends that there are many community groups that could use their help. Or if we are one of the complainers then perhaps we need to give ourselves a swift “you know what” and get ourselves out  of our own misery. If I am a complainer, I could better use my time reading to those who cannot see, or visiting the senior center and helping out.

Understanding That GIVING is NOT Always Easy: There has been a great deal written in the past few years about being kind to people as in “random acts of kindness.”  Being kind on a daily basis is VERY important and this comment in not meant to be critical of daily kindness.  But let us now fool ourselves into thinking that smiling at someone in the supermarket is going to put food on the table of starving people.  Of course it is important to be kind to people everywhere, all the time.  But we need to do more than that, and not rationalize that we are doing our part for humanity by simply being kind in the supermarket or on the highway.

Giving is sometimes painful. Remember the moment in the movie “Ghost” when Whoopie hands over the million dollar check to the Salvation Army?  She keeps trying to let go of the check, but it is obvious by her facial expressions that this is VERY hard to do!

Have you ever given something you really love to another family member, and struggled as you let go of your favorite piece of jewelry? Giving is a challenge. I personally find it impossible to give up things of mine that are sentimental. I can more easily give of my time or make a donation. Give up some silly thing of mine that I love? No, I cannot do it yet. I am working on it.

Helping is a Win Win Project: If we are able to cope with the extreme feelings of sadness that seeing the world problems brings, and if we can access our own lives to determine the ways that we can help and the ways we cannot, then we are on the road to becoming more helpful. We all know how incredible it feels to be of service to others.  When we are helpful we get in touch with the aspects of our consciousness that are closer to the Divine.  It is this connection to a power greater than ourselves, that brings inner peace and happiness.  It does not matter what words we use: God, Higher Power, Divine, Beloved.

I have a long ways to go as I learn to be more giving.  How about you?

Author and Psychic Medium Carole Lynne



Change your mind, change your clothes, change your attitude…. May 17, 2009

Posted by Carole Lynne in Feeling Better, Spiritual Priority, Uncategorized.
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Last night I took a half hour deciding what I would wear this morning when I go to serve the Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism as a medium and speaker.  It was warm yesterday, and like most women, it is fun to put together a spring outfit.  This morning when I got up it was damp and raining. I  began to feel sorry for myself.

These days when I begin to “sink” I listen to the thoughts that are emerging carefully. I was having thoughts such as “this always happens to me. I spend time creating an outfit and then it is too cold to wear it.”  As I listened to the part of myself that is the “feel sorry for myself energy” I nicely told this energy to take a hike.

I changed my mind and decided to wear a warmer outfit, that goes with shoes that will support my feet alot better than the ones I was going to wear with the spring outfit.  I changed my mind, I changed my clothes and the result was a change in attitude. I feel great right now.

This was a small moment in my life, but an important one. It is all too easy for all of us to feel sorry for ourselves over what is really a silly situation. Perhaps we should save our sorrow for the real problems that come up in life.

Psychic Medium and Author Carole Lynne

Cosmic Connection: Messages for a Better World



When Your Mother is in Spirit May 10, 2009

Posted by Carole Lynne in Love, Spiritual Awakening, Uncategorized.
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My mother is no longer living in a physical body, and that makes mother’s day different than it used to be.  While my relationship with my mother was difficult, I still miss her very much. She was not well emotionally most of my life, and so life with mother was complicated.  But I still miss her.

Fortunately, I have learned that life is eternal and so I know the spirits of all my loved ones are around me.  When I discovered that I was a medium and could communicate with those in the world of spirit, my whole view of life changed.  Life for me now, is an extended spiritual path way that goes on forever.

What has been most interesting for me is to experience the evolution of my mother’s spirit.  When I first experienced her spirit soon after she passed into eternal life, her consciousness felt restless to me. Now when I experience her spirit, she seems peaceful.  I would say that all this is wishful thinking on my part if I did not do readings week after week and have people validate the information that comes through.  As I receive messages for my clients from the spirits of their loved ones, I have the continual opportunity of having the afterlife validated, again and again and again.   For me, this is a blessing.  Otherwise, I might not believe my own spiritual communications with my own loved ones in the world of spirit.

So on this Mother’s Day, I send a special greeting to all who do not have mother’s living in the physical any longer. I pray that you can feel the presence of your mother’s spirit.

Psychic Medium Carole Lynne




How to Help the Helpless April 28, 2009

Posted by Carole Lynne in Feeling Better, Grief, Spiritual Priority.
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It is very important and yet difficult to help those who are not able to help themselves. First of all, we need to understand in the specific case of a helpless person, what is the best kind of help to be given.

If there are a group of people who are starving, then the answer may be to give money to a reputable organization that can use the funds to purchase food for the hungry. If there are people who are homeless, unless one can provide a home (which many of us cannot or do not feel comfortable offering) then the best way to help might be to either volunteer time to an organization for the homeless, or give funds to such an organization.  Sometimes the best way to help the helpless is through an organization dedicated to helping a particular group of people.

When someone we know personally needs help, such as a family member of close friend, then we need to find out from that person what will be most helpful.  If our loved one is recovering from  surgery would it be helpful to bring food? If so, we need to find out what kind of food the person is advised and likes to eat, or our food will simply take up room in the refrigerator and never be eaten.  If the person needs to have someone walk the dog or feed the cat, then we need to know if we can do that j0b, or if someone else needs to help in that way.   If the person needs shopping done, perhaps that is the thing to do.   When getting a list of the person’s needs, it is important to organize a group of family or friends so that as large a number of people as possible share in the helping activities.  As one person, it becomes too difficult to keep up with all of ones own responsibilities as well as the responsibilities of a loved one who for the moment, cannot do their own chores.   Sometimes the best way to help a loved one in need is to organize a group of “helpers.”

It becomes harder to know how to help a helpless person who really could help themselves if he or she was motivated to do so.  We all know people who through lack of courage, moral stamina and determination, bring themselves into a place of despair that they could get themselves out of.  From my point of view, these people need a spiritual lift into an energy of hope. They need a psychological understanding that they are responsible for themselves.  In many of these cases, we advice people to seek medical help or to see a therapist. When the person refuses, it becomes very difficult to know how to help a person who will not help themselves.   I sometimes reach a point where my only choice is to pray for a person in such despair, as my phone calls and visits do not seem to provide much help. In these cases, I also have to put a limit on the number of phone calls and visits I make, because ultimately I can also become depressed and frustrated.  However, I do not wish to stop communication, but must set limits.  Sometimes we must set limits with people who could help themselves but do not.

Helping others is an important part of the spiritual path for each one of us.  It is difficult to make time to help others and often difficult to share our money. But unless we are starving ourselves and unable to take care of ourselves, we must make both time and money, within our own limits,  available for those in need.

Psychic Medium Carole Lynne




Earth Day Every Day April 21, 2009

Posted by Carole Lynne in Spiritual Priority, Uncategorized.
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As we approach Earth Day on April 22, we need to remember that Earth Day must be an Every Day event in our lives.  We can no longer sit back and blame “THEM”  for using up the earths resources, as it is “US.”  There is no “THEM” to blame.

It is only through spiritual unfoldment and opening to the wider aspects of our consciousness that we are likely to make the huge changes that we need to make on this planet. In order for us to change, we have to think less about our personal desires and more about what is good for the world as a whole.   Coming to this state of mind is very difficult and without spiritual growth, we will only make minor changes in our lives.

Today and every day each one of us must ask ourselves “What can I do today to help the world? What can I do to reduce the carbon-footprint on this earth?  What can I do to help people who do not have enough to eat? What can I do to help our world learn to find solutions to disagreements?

We need to evolve into human beings that find war, poverty and pollution unthinkable. This will only come as we evolve spiritually.

Carole Lynne author of “Cosmic Connection: Messages for a Better World”


