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Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Author Carole Lynne, Feeling Better, mediumship, practical action, Spirit Communication, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Education, Spiritual Priority, Spiritualism Religion, spirituality in action, They Don't Understand, Your Questions About Spirit.
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I wrote this book because many people have called and emailed me about spiritual experiences they are having. Or the loved ones of “emerging psychics” got in touch with me as they were either excited or scared to death by the experiences these emerging psychics were having.  I KNOW that this book will be of great help to anyone having psychic or mediumistic experiences. Click on the book cover, and you will be linked to Amazon where you can read all about this book.

Hope you read it. I wish someone had written this book for me 40 years ago. I could have used it and saved years of anxiety over my psychic gift.

Carole Lynne










My Connection to Spirit Grows Deeper August 27, 2012

Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Feeling Better, Love, mediumship, Spirit Communication.
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Every year that I continue to communicate with the world of spirit, the connection grows deeper and more sacred. In the early years of my mediumship it was all about proving to myself and to others that there really IS a world of spirit and that I, Carole Lynne. could communicate with those in that world.  Years of hard work and anxiety were lived and now after many years of service, the connection is not stressful, I have had the proof I need that there is indeed, a part of each one of us that continues after the change we call “death.”

It took many years of communication before I was able to settle down and feel secure about spirit communication. “How is this possible?” I would ask myself.  The miracle of communication with those who have passed on seemed too good to be true. It was hard for me to believe, even though in reading after reading, clients recognized those spirits who communicated.  Finally a day came for me when I just KNEW that this communication was really happening and that we DO survive death.  At a certain point, even I who consider myself to be level headed and a bit skeptical, had to admit that there was no way for me to be getting all this information about those who had passed on, unless I was REALLY in communication with those in spirit.  Even though I had been a medium for awhile, it still took me time to embrace this miracle and realize that in fact, it is NOT a miracle, but a normal process.  We survive death and therefore we can continue to communicate with our loved ones. This is as natural as flowers blooming.

Psychic Medium Carole Lynne




Want a Reading? But What Kind? July 28, 2010

Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Author Carole Lynne, mediumship, Spirit Communication, Uncategorized.
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In my role as a psychic medium I talk to people every day who want a reading.  Depending on a person’s experience, cultural background and education regarding readings, the expectations of people are all over the place.   It is clear that the general public needs to understand that there are many kinds of readings available, and beyond that must also understand that readers each have their own style. It is also clear that those of us who give readings must make sure before booking an appointment, that the prospective client is informed about what to expect in the reading.

As readers we have extremely different perspectives on what a reading should be.  This makes it extremely confusing for those who seek readings.  And yet, it would be impossible to standardize our readings as one thing we as readers can most likely agree on is that Spirit works with us in different ways.  We are not able to mass produce our readings and thank the Lord, that we cannot.  A good reading is mystical and the reader is able to bring through messages from loved ones, spiritual guidance and inspiration. This cannot be standardized.  Although education for readers is extremely important as we can learn how to best use the spiritual gifts we have been given, at some point we will not individually be able to follow all the rules and guidelines we have learned from our human teachers, as ultimately the Spirit Within each reader will be the most important teacher.

So what is the person who wants to get a reading to do? How can people know what kind of reading to get and which reader to choose?

After answering questions about readings on the phone for many years, I said to myself one day “You know Carole, what you need to do is write a small book for the people who want to understand more about readings.   And so I wrote “How to Get a Good Reading From a Psychic Medium.”  I ask people who are confused about readings, to read this book and then call me back with any additional questions.  I also ask those who are going to have a reading with me, to read the book before hand as they will then come into our readings as an oriented client, rather than a disoriented client.  I am likely to do a much better job with a client who knows what is going on.

Some of my colleagues now keep a stack of How to Get a Good Reading From a Psychic Medium in their offices.  They find that this book helps their clients.   Consider reading this book if you want to get a reading, and if you are a reader, consider offering it to your clients.  The price offered by the publisher Weiser Books is very reasonable at $7.95 and most can afford to buy it.  The information in this book is extremely helpful to both clients and readers. You can order this book from any bookstore, on www.amazon.com, www.carolelynne.com and at the www.weiserbooks.com

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne



What Language Does Spirit Speak? May 5, 2010

Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Author Carole Lynne, mediumship, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritualism Religion, Uncategorized.
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As a psychic medium, I do many readings for people where I communicate with the spirits who are from many different cultures and have spoken  many different languages.  When I first began to do readings, I said to a client “Your brother in spirit says that…….” and then I continued to repeat what I heard to my client. I felt I was hearing the exact words of the spirit.

Over the years I have done many readings where the spirits who have come through, did not speak English when they were living.  Yes, I hear what they are saying in English.  While names and short phrases may have come to me in a language I did not understand, but my client could translate, for the most part the messages from those who have come through who never spoke English, have come to me in English.

This experience has taught me that those in spirit are sending me information and messages in what I choose to call “energetic thought forms” and through the grace of the Infinite Spirit, these forms reach me through a spiritual telepathy, which the higher part of my consciousness is then able to understand in English. The thought is then “delivered” to my conscious mind in English, so that I can deliver the message to my client from a loved one in spirit.

I know that as a community of mediums, we all have different and varied experiences. Some mediums truly feel that they are hearing the exact words of spirit, whereas I feel I receive the words in thought forms, and then they are expressed in human language.  For me, those in spirit are now in a different spiritual form and they are not speaking to me or each other in words, but with a kind of spiritual telepathy that is far beyond words and language as we know it.  As a new medium, it felt to me as if the spirits I communicated with were like duplicates of human beings.  But the more experience I have as a medium, the more I am under the impression that while the spirits of those who communicate are individual spirits, they are now in a different form as they have evolved beyond physical life.

There are many interesting questions about how spirit communicates with us.

I would love to hear your thoughts on how spirit communicates. Please feel free to comment and share with all of us.

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne



Allow The Medium to Read For You February 24, 2010

Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Spiritual Education, Uncategorized.
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Clients who make “deals” with the spirits of their loved ones before having a reading are often disappointed.  What do I mean by making deals?  Let’s say the client wants to hear from her grandmother who is in spirit, and so before she has a reading with a medium, she prays to her grandmother and says “I will not believe it is you unless the medium picks up on a memory of the time we went on a roller coaster together.” 

When clients make deals like this with the spirits of their loved ones, they become obsessively focused on getting ONE particular piece of information from the medium and are often unable to hear all the good evidence that the medium is bringing.  Ultimately the reading becomes a very tense experience for both the client and the medium, and the reading may not go as well as it could have gone.   While sometimes the VERY piece of information will come through in a reading, it can also be that other information will come through that is just as convincing. But the client who becomes insistent on receiving one particular piece of information is often dissappointed.

I advise anyone who is going to have a reading with a medium to be open to the evidence that comes through.  A good medium will bring you many pieces of evidence that you can recognize as true. You may also get some evidence that you cannot identify as true at the moment, but that you will come to understand over time. And then, while many mediums do not like me to say this: we do make mistakes just as people in every other profession do.  In our case, we are communicating with a whole other dimension, and so there are bound to be some images we misinterpret.

Choose a medium who is well-educated and who has a good track record.  Do not choose a medium because he or she is instantly available or charges the lowest fee you have ever heard.  

Do your research and choose a medium you feel good about. Then when you have a reading, LET the medium read for you.  Listen to what is said.  While it is totally understanding that you may want a certain piece of information, remember that other evidence may come through that is just as important and possibly even more meaningful.

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne



Can Anyone be a Medium? January 9, 2010

Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Spiritual Education, Uncategorized, Your Questions About Spirit.
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Many ask me if I think that anyone can become a medium, and my answer is the same as it would be if you asked me “can anyone be a pilot or a pianist or a skate boarder: you have to take the time to explore your possible talent. 

Many who are mediums were never trying to become mediums.  The spiritual gift of mediumship arrived naturally.  However, there are some mediums who did not realize that they had the potential before sitting in Spiritualist circles or attending regularly scheduled mediumship classes.

If you feel inspired to bring messages from those who have passed on, to their loved ones who are still living in the physical body, then study mediumship and find out if you have the gift. But before you make such a decision, remember that being a medium is an incredible responsiblity, and not an activity to be taken lightly. If you discover you are a medium you may find that you will be changing your whole life. You may give up the kind of work you do now to do readings, and you will also have to “educate” your loved ones about your new interest.   When we discover that we are mediums, for many of us, life is never the same.

Should you pursue mediumship and find out that you are not a medium, do not feel bad about it.  Not everyone is a medium.  Always remember that ANY kind of work is spiritual work if you bring the right intentions to it. 

The worst thing any one can do is to insist “I am a medium.”  When people do this, the public will be dealing with many readers who are not up to standard.  And those of us who are mediums, must always be willing to stop doing mediumship if our gift is fading.   Some of us will stop because of the aging process and others may stop because they become burned out, having done too many readings.

Being a medium is extremely hard and often stressful work.   It is not the glamorous job it can sometimes appear to be.  If you are a real medium, there is a point where you will be sure of it, trust your gift and you will be ready to serve others. If you are not a medium, remember that being a medium is only one of many needed spiritual ways of working.

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne

Author of Cosmic Connection: Messages for a Better World, Consult Your Inner Psychic, How to Get a Good Reading From a Psychic Medium and Heart and Sound.



How to Get a Good Reading October 21, 2009

Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Spiritual Education, Uncategorized.
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how to get good reading frontIf you want a good reading, have a reading for the right reasons, find the right reader, and know that the attitude you bring into the reading plays a big part in the success of the session.

Unfortunately, many people book readings without know what KIND of reading they have booked.  Some who want to hear from the spirits of loved ones who have passed on, book an astrological reading when it was a mediumistic reading they should have booked.  Someone who wants a past life reading, books a reading with a psychic who does not do that kind of work.  Before booking a reading, write down the reasons you want a reading, and find a reader who can give you what you need.

In the opinion of this author, (and there are certainly those who would disagree) you will have a much better reading with a professional who is not trying to give you seven kinds of reading, mish-mashed into one.   I do not want to receive a reading from someone who is going to give me a psychic reading, a past life reading, with a bit of astrology thrown in and a few quick messages from my mother in spirit.  This kind of reading can be confusing, and it is doubtful that the reader is really experienced in any of the modalities being used.  Sometimes I fear that readers who offer to do ten things in a reading, do so as they are not expert in any one.  When I have had such readings, I have come out confused. I feel like I have just eaten Chinese, Indian, and Spanish food all mixed into one dish and the flavors are overwhelming and do not compliment each other. While there has been alot of drama and even excitement during the reading, I can’t put the whole experience together and use it in a positive way.

If I have a mediumistic reading, I want the reader to focus the whole reading on connecting with my loved ones, and I want a medium with lots of experience.  If I want an astrological reading, I want a reader with someone who has studied astrology for many years.   I would not go to a dentist who promised to fill a cavity, and give me an eye examination at the same time, would I?

Decide what you need and find a reader who can give you what you need.  Once you have done that, work on your own attitude. If you are skeptical that is fine, but go into the reading with a positive attitude, ready to listen and receive. If you are not ready to listen, then do not bother having a reading.  Also, as you listen, avoid spending your whole time arguing with a medium.  Of course, express your opinions, but if you spend your time arguing over small things or details the medium brings  (“No my Dad did not wear a three button suit, it was two button, or yes my mother did go to France, but only once, so why are  you telling me this?) you might as well not have a reading.  Or if you are seeing a psychic, do not waste your time being too picky about the information (Yes, I did go to college, but it was only for three years instead of four, so what is the point of you telling me I went to college, when I did not graduate). The psychics comments about you going to college, may be leading to another very important insight from the psychic, but if you spend five minutes arguing, the psychic may not even remember what the important point is. 

If you book a reading with the right reader and enter the session with a good attitude, your reading can be life changing.  I have had several readings that have helped me to find my spiritual path and that have proved to me that life is continuous. A good reading is a blessing.  Learn about readings and about your role in a reading, before booking a session.


Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne

Author of Cosmic Connection: Messages for a Better World, Consult Your Inner Psychic: Make Your Life Work Better, How to Get a Good Reading from a Psychic Medium and Heart and Sound. 


Absorb the Power August 15, 2009

Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Feeling Better, practical action, Spiritual Priority, spirituality in action, Uncategorized, Worries.
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Let the water wash over you

Let the water wash over you

Life often brings situations that are difficult to cope with.  It is so easy to be distracted from the things we need to focus on in our lives.  When suddenly hit with a problem: be it  yours or someone you love,  it is all too easy to ditch our own plans to exercise, eat the proper foods and meditate. This is a shame, because when we have to cope with problems we NEED to be in balance.  Doing the things we need to do for our health becomes even more important.

When problems strike suddenly, be like the rocks on the shore.  Let the waves wash over you.  Absorb the energy of the ocean and use this power for positive action.

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne



The Sacred Practice of Spirit Communication June 8, 2009

Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Spiritual Priority, Spiritualism Religion, They Don't Understand.
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When we, who are still living in physical bodies, are granted access to communications with the spirits of those who have passed on into eternal life, we have reason to give grateful thanks to a power greater than ourselves.  From my perspective as a psychic medium, when I am able to open up a part of my consciousness and enter the sacred space of communication, it is a real blessing for me, for the spirits and for those who receive messages from the spirits through mediumship.

At times on radio and television, spirit communication may look like a parlor game or entertainment. This is due to the quick messages that we must give. And while there is a great purpose for us to do mini-readings on the radio, on television and in chat rooms, it is important that the general public understand that having a private reading in person or on the phone, or even a small group reading with an experienced medium, is a totally different experience in which you will receive a more in depth message from a loved one who has passed on.  Of course there are always exceptions, and sometimes in a message given on the radio or on television, the experience may be incredible and a great deal of healing may take place. But generally speaking, if one wants an in depth reading, make an appointment for a private or small group reading.

The other day I was doing a reading for a woman on the phone, who praised me when I brought a good piece of evidence about a loved one who has passed over by saying “Oh, that was a hit.”  And when I brought a piece of information that she could not understand she said “Sorry, that was a miss.”  Halfway through the reading, I was beginning to feel like I was playing baseball rather than communicating with the world of spirit.  I finally suggested to my client that we not evaluate each comment that I made in terms of “hits or misses” and allow ourselves to enter the sacred space of spirit communication.   It was good that I made this comment, because as the client and I entered a more sacred space, the spirit blended with us in a totally different way, and now we were getting better messages from those in spirit. And in fact, there was also more factual information embedded in the messages. At this point, we were not interrupting the flow of the communication from spirit with quick evaluations of each point made.  Instead of feeling like I was in the middle of a spelling test, I was involved in the miraculous environment of spirit communication.

Now I could not blame my client for originally creating the atmosphere of a ball game or spelling quiz, as that kind of portrayal of spirit communication may be what she has been used to experiencing on the radio,  television and in some demonstrations of mediumship.  It becomes all too easy for both mediums and those who receive readings, to experience the communication as a game.  Because we are bringing evidence about those who lived in order to prove that we are communicating, it does become necessary to evaluate whether the evidence is correct.  But hopefully there is a way for us as mediums to blend so deeply with the spirits of those who have passed over, that the messages that come through will flow naturally and will contain factual information that in fact proves we are in communication.

Communication with those who have passed on is very sacred, and hopefully we can find ways to communicate with our loved ones that reflects our gratitude for the opportunity to communicate.

Author and Psychic Medium Carole Lynne



When Your Mother is in Spirit May 10, 2009

Posted by Carole Lynne in Love, Spiritual Awakening, Uncategorized.
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My mother is no longer living in a physical body, and that makes mother’s day different than it used to be.  While my relationship with my mother was difficult, I still miss her very much. She was not well emotionally most of my life, and so life with mother was complicated.  But I still miss her.

Fortunately, I have learned that life is eternal and so I know the spirits of all my loved ones are around me.  When I discovered that I was a medium and could communicate with those in the world of spirit, my whole view of life changed.  Life for me now, is an extended spiritual path way that goes on forever.

What has been most interesting for me is to experience the evolution of my mother’s spirit.  When I first experienced her spirit soon after she passed into eternal life, her consciousness felt restless to me. Now when I experience her spirit, she seems peaceful.  I would say that all this is wishful thinking on my part if I did not do readings week after week and have people validate the information that comes through.  As I receive messages for my clients from the spirits of their loved ones, I have the continual opportunity of having the afterlife validated, again and again and again.   For me, this is a blessing.  Otherwise, I might not believe my own spiritual communications with my own loved ones in the world of spirit.

So on this Mother’s Day, I send a special greeting to all who do not have mother’s living in the physical any longer. I pray that you can feel the presence of your mother’s spirit.

Psychic Medium Carole Lynne


