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It is COLD but HAPPY December 27, 2010

Posted by Carole Lynne in Feeling Better, Love, nature.
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On the east coast, we are feeling a cold that is colder than cold. The winds hit us in the face as we quickly walk from the car into work, and from the car into the house.  Or from the train or bus, quickly up the street we rush to our front door.  It is cold, and yet we are so fortunate to have a door to run to: to open that door and get away from the cold.  Let us be grateful for the good fortune that we have, even if we are very cold as we scurry around.  Let us hug our loved ones and be grateful for those we care about.  As we come to the end of the year, let us be aware of how much we have.

Psychic Medium and  Inspirational Author Carole Lynne



3 Tips 4 Best Day Ever June 17, 2010

Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Dreams, Feeling Better, nature, practical action, Spiritual Awakening, Uncategorized.
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SUPPORT YOUR ENERGY FIELD: Begin your day by thinking about the energy field that surrounds you.  Think positive thoughts and give your energy field a bath in happiness.  Make a commitment to handle the challenges of your day quickly and efficiently, so that even if you become upset at some point in the day, you will quickly bring happiness back into your energy field.

SUPPORT YOUR PHYSICAL BODY:  Exercise and eat foods that agree with you. Don’t eat too much at any one time, as you know how that can make you feel bloated and exhausted.  Treat your physical body with great respect and care and it will do the same for you. This will improve the quality of your day.

SUPPORT YOUR INNER SPIRIT: At least three times during the day take a minute to breath deeply as you say a prayer of gratitude for the day that you are living.  Say thank you for every breath that you are breathing, and repeat your vow to make the most of your life on earth, and to make the most of this particular day.

No matter what our circumstances, we can find joy and life and joy each day.  Even people in the most desperate situations are able to find some joy in a day if they have the right attitude. You can do it. I can do it. We can do it together.

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne



Look and See October 17, 2009

Posted by Carole Lynne in Feeling Better, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Priority, Uncategorized, Worries.
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When I lived in California, I knew a man named John who lived out of his van. He sold old books and records and traveled from town to town. I was working as a musician then, and he knew all the musicians in the towns he visited. I would walk with him sometimes and he would look at a public park and say “welcome to my park.” He knew the world belonged to him even if he did not own much of anything. What a fortunate and wealthy man.

Sometimes it is easy for us to feel sorry for ourselves, but if we take a look at our lives there are many things to be grateful for.  If we have places to live and food on the table, we have alot that many people in our world do not have.  And yet, so many of us become despondent and greedy, always wanting more, more, more.  When this happens, we waste the precious time we have on this earth.

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne

Author of Cosmic Connection: Messages for a Better World, Consult Your Inner Psychic, How to Get a Good Reading From a Psychic Medium and Heart and Sound.


Moment of Prayer October 13, 2009

Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Feeling Better, spirituality in action, Uncategorized.
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Our lives are full of work, family, cell phones to answer, and emails to respond to.  As we walk the spiritual path it IS possible to be as busy as we are and at the same time realize the spark of Divinity that is within each one of us.  Simply by creating a ~Moment of Prayer~ each hour though out the day, we can remain in touch with the Divine.

Take a moment each hour to focus your full attention on the Divine.  No matter where you are or what you are doing, offer a prayer of gratitude. Your life will be enriched and you will find yourself making better choices for yourself and your world.

As we take a moment away from the busy activity we are engaged in and focus on the Divine, we will receive the Light that we need.  We will feel healthier, better able to meet the challenges of human life, and more able to help others.

Take a day and focus on a ~Moment of Prayer~ each hour.  At the end of the day ask yourself ” How do I feel? Have a had a better day? Have I moved closer to wanting to improve our world?”

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne



Enjoy Each Day even if….. October 3, 2009

Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Feeling Better, Love, practical action, Spiritual Priority.
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Enjoy each day even if problems are sprouting up all around you

Cope as well as can be with each challenge and then find something beautiful to enjoy

Gaze at a flower

Gaze at the moon

Know that problems are things to be solved and do not have to captivate our every thought

Life is beautiful even with its problems

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne



Be Present During Change September 7, 2009

Posted by Carole Lynne in Feeling Better, Grief, practical action, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Priority.
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Unexpected changes , especially if they are unwanted changes, can jar us. In order to cope with change it is necessary to be in the present moment and accept whatever is happening.  Only as we accept the now, can we move into the next moment successfully.  It does no good to try to pretend that a change has not occurred. Fooling ourselves takes alot more energy than it takes to look a change right in the eye and say “Ok, I know what is happening and I am going to do the best I can to cope.” 

Unwelcome change can sometimes bring incredible sadness, and we must also cope with these feelings. Sadness must be absorbed and accepted, but never allowed to become so powerful that our entire day is ruined.  Of course there are exceptions when deep tragedies occur. But for the most part, unexpected changes do not have to bring our happy times to a halt.  The sadness we feel can be incorporated into our day along with all the happy experiences.

Be present during change.  Accept the moment and move through it with grace.

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne



THE SAME MOON September 5, 2009

Posted by Carole Lynne in Carole Lynne Travel, Feeling Better, Uncategorized.
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As I sat last night in County Durham, England, my good friend an I gazed at the full moon. What an incredible site.  At one point my friend said ” Just think about it: people in the United States will see the same moon in this evening. People all around the world will see the same moon in the evening.  What a small world.”

My friends words made me feel closer to all that live upon this earth, and I said a quiet prayer that we might be able to learn to live together peacefully.  After all, it is a small world.

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne



Path of Acceptance September 4, 2009

Posted by Carole Lynne in Feeling Better, Grief, practical action, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Priority.
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There can be no happiness without acceptance

There can be no joy when one is angry all the time at life’s circumstances

There can be no bliss for the one who cries “poor me — poor me”

Life is a continual spiral of experiences: some pleasant and some unpleasant

Wize is the one who can stand back and look at each situation without passion

Blissful is the one who can know that all is well no matter what happens


Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne



Acupuncture and Boiled Herbs August 23, 2009

Posted by Carole Lynne in Feeling Better, practical action.
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As a woman in the later years of life, many ask me how I am able to do so much, and I have to answer “Acupuncture and Boiled Herbs.”  I have been blessed with good health most of my life, but like most people I have conditions that must be managed.   During the times of my life when I have not felt well, it has always been acupuncture and herbs that have lifted my energy so that I once again have the abundance of energy I am accustomed to.  I know many people who have that abundance of energy without acupuncture and herbs, but those people are who they are and I am who I am, and I need additional support at times.

I am not prescribing this treatment for anyone as I am not a doctor. But I would like to share my experience with acupuncture and herbs for those of you who are interested.

During a treatment of acupuncture, the doctor places tiny needles in different points on my body.  I may occasionally feel a bit of a sting when a needle is placed, but hardly ever.  It does NOT feel like I am getting a vaccination or any other kind of shot.  The doctor also feels my pulse and then prescribes a treatment of boiled herbs. He creates a package of herbs for me, which I then boil at home for an hour and a half to two hours.  I strain the “brew” after boiling and place the “herbal tea” in the refrigeration.  I drink a portion of the herbs each morning and evening and it should take me seven days to consume the herbal tea.

I know how much the herbs help me because when I do not take them for a month or so, I can feel how my energy changes. I am not as vibrant. When I go back on the herbs, within about three days, my energy has doubled.

Buying the herbs is a bit pricey, but I find it worth it to give up some other expenditures in order to purchase the herbs.  Many of the herbs have been brought in from China, and so it can get expensive.  I have grown used to the taste of the herbal tea, but it is not a drink I would choose if it were not for medicinal purposes.

I have had two different acupuncturists in my life time and feel fortunate that both of them were from China where they not only had formal training, but acupuncture and herbs were part of their family culture.

I am grateful for the benefits I have received from acupuncture and boiled herbs. As a psychic medium, I am very aware of my own energy, the energy of other people and the energies I link with as I communicate with the spirits of your loved ones.  Herbs, chosen wisely,  are rich in all the best things the earth has to offer.  Taking Chinese herbs helps me to feel better and therefore I am able to do my readings and enjoy my life.

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne



Acceptance is Happiness August 16, 2009

Posted by Carole Lynne in Feeling Better, Love, practical action, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Education, Spiritual Priority, Spiritualism Religion, Worries.
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Acceptance is the key to happiness.  Of course, we often cannot control what happens in life, but we can choose how we react to situations.  It takes alot of energy to deny the existence of a troublesome situation.  It takes much less energy to take a few deep breaths and admit to ourselves that we have to cope with a problem.

Acceptance does not mean that we do nothing.  In fact the acceptance of a problem is often the first step that can motivate us to take the practical actions we need to take in order to improve the current troublesome situation.

Sometimes when I am upset, I take a few deep breaths, and each time I inhale I say in my mind “I accept, I accept.”  I do the same as I exhale.  Believe it or not, I often feel bliss when I do this, even when facing a difficult problem.  Perhaps I feel bliss at this moment because in my acceptance I have started to relax and again become in touch with the fact that each one of us is a spark of Divine Consciousness.

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne

