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Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Author Carole Lynne, Dreams, Feeling Better, mediumship, Spirit Communication, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Education, Spiritual Priority, Spiritualism Religion, spirituality in action, They Don't Understand.
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I am very pleased that DailyOM shared an excerpt of my new book. click on the link to go to DailyOM. They have many good articles.


http://www.dailyom.com/library/000/003/000003445.html  CLICK ON LINK FOR DailyOM


Carole Lynne









Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Author Carole Lynne, Feeling Better, mediumship, practical action, Spirit Communication, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Education, Spiritual Priority, Spiritualism Religion, spirituality in action, They Don't Understand, Your Questions About Spirit.
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I wrote this book because many people have called and emailed me about spiritual experiences they are having. Or the loved ones of “emerging psychics” got in touch with me as they were either excited or scared to death by the experiences these emerging psychics were having.  I KNOW that this book will be of great help to anyone having psychic or mediumistic experiences. Click on the book cover, and you will be linked to Amazon where you can read all about this book.

Hope you read it. I wish someone had written this book for me 40 years ago. I could have used it and saved years of anxiety over my psychic gift.

Carole Lynne










The Way We Were Then August 18, 2014

Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Author Carole Lynne, Feeling Better, Grief, Love, spirituality in action, They Don't Understand, Uncategorized, Worries.
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One of the hardest challenges in life is accepting change and that things and relationships never stay the same. Of course we are joyful when the changes are wonderful and beautiful, but when the changes leave us feeling sad and alone, it is difficult to accept change.  When the changes are hard to accept, we want things to be “the way we were then.”  When we are in grief over change: be it the passing of a loved one, be it a change for the worst in a relationship or job, it becomes almost impossible at times, to move on into happiness once again.

Many of us become depressed as we are unable to accept that things are not the way they were, and in our lack of acceptance of the present, we miss all the beautiful things life has to offer RIGHT NOW IN THE MOMENT.

It goes without saying thaCarole Lynne Mauit when a death occurs, no one is going to be able to move into happiness for quite some time. But eventually, even when are in grief over the passing of a loved one, with time and patience, we will learn to accept our new life. We will learn to accept that things can never be the way they were then.

Acceptance and gratitude become our best friends when we are sad.

For many of us the anniversaries of the passing of loved ones or of relationships that ended, set off emotional upheavals. If we know that the anniversary of an upsetting event is coming up, perhaps we can plan something nice to look forward to during the time of the anniversary. In doing so we will be making a statement to ourselves, that even though it is a sad anniversary, it is the anniversary of something that did not happen today, but perhaps long ago.  TODAY we need to find happiness, even as we have sad feelings about the past.

Certain times of the year are more challenging than others.

Let us pray that all of us can find a way to find the blessings in life every day, mo matter what happened in the past. As we create more better days NOW, we are creating better memories to live with a week from now, a month from now and eternally.

Carole Lynne



http://www.soundcloud.com  (search Carole Lynne)

Coasting March 11, 2011

Posted by Carole Lynne in Feeling Better, nature, spirituality in action.
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Did you ever feel like you were not going backwards, but not moving forwards either? Have you ever felt like you do not feel sad, but not happy either?  Perhaps sometimes we are what I call “coasting.” Sometimes our hearts, our minds, and our souls need a break, a rest, a period of time some might call “blah.”

During a period of coasting, perhaps the body, mind and spirit are experiencing a period of rest and repair.  This is good for all of us.

Do not worry if you are coasting.  When you have coasted to your next destination, you will find out where you are.

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne



Optimism 202 December 3, 2010

Posted by Carole Lynne in Feeling Better, Love, practical action, spirituality in action.
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Sick of optimism 101? Let’s move on and create 202: two of this and two of that, two for me and two for you? Ok, let’s go.   Crisis strikes be it a tiny irritating situation or a hard to cope with full on crisis.  What two things can we do?  First of all we can assess the situation to determine what we MUST do, and second we can assess the situation and discover what we CAN do.  Consider the tiny situation of a sprained ankle.  We must get whatever medical attention we need, and then instead of crying and feeling sorry for ourselves because we cannot do everything we usually do, we can discover what we CAN do NOW.  This is the time to find exercises that do not involve the ankle which is difficult BUT doable!  This is the time to start writing the book you have been thinking about but are usually too busy exercising to write. 

Consider a full on crisis such as a loss of your home due to financial difficulties.  In the must do category we have to get out of that house we cannot afford and in the process of doing so, take extra special care of our emotional and physical health.   In the can-do category, this is an opportunity to get rid of a bunch of junk we never use anyway and lighten up our life!  As we down-size our way of living we may be up-grading our personal happiness as we are no longer tied to so many things. Silver lining? YES and always more than one.  Two for you and two for me if we can find them, and we WILL!

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne



Acceptance June 6, 2010

Posted by Carole Lynne in Feeling Better, Love, Spiritual Awakening, spirituality in action, Uncategorized.
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Shall we argue and fight over nothing? Shall we look at each other critically? Or shall we dance to the tune of beauty and love and find the goodness in each other?

We have a choice every time we communicate with each other.  If we want to find the worst in each other, we will surely find it!  And if we are looking for the best, we are guaranteed to find that also.  The choice is ours. How do we want to see each other?

It has been said that we are often mirrors of each other. When we get terribly upset by some apparent fault we find in each other, we are actually disturbed because of that same fault lurking somewhere within us. 

Perhaps it is time we realized how short life is. Perhaps it is time that we stopped wanting each other to be perfect. And it is also time for each of us to accept our selves.  Time on earth is not forever so perhaps we better start making the best use of it.

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne



Spiritual Path of Discipline May 27, 2010

Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, practical action, Spiritual Priority, spirituality in action, Uncategorized.

No matter what kind of work you do, discipline is required to do a good job.  And if you are not working for whatever reason: out of work or retired, it is discipline that can make your life productive and wonderful.  There is not a person in the world who does not feel wonderful after accomplishing something. 

Regular exercise requires alot of discipline.  We feel incredible after a workout, but it is all too easy to say “I do not feel like it today.”  On the path of spiritual discipline, it does not matter whether we feel like it today or not: we do it no matter what.  And as we carry through with whatever exercise plans we have made, we have more confidence in ourselves to carry though.

Regular mental exercise also requires discipline.  Whether we like it or not, the old expression “use it or lose it” is true. If we do not use and challenge our minds, we will lose the ability to focus, concentrate and learn.  On the path of spiritual discipline we understand that being able to learn is important, and so we take on projects that stimulate us and require us to stretch, even if we do not feel like it.

On the path of spiritual discipline, our emotions do not have the power over us that they have in our day to day personal life. On the path of spiritual discipline, we connect with a power higher than ourselves, and allow that Power to lead us into becoming better people. In this way we can better serve ourselves and others.

Discipline is tough.  Discipline is not for the weak minded. 

Embrace discipline and you will open the door to knowing the “deeper you.”  You will open the door to a better understanding of others, and you will find that connection with a Higher Power that brings true joy.

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne



The Recognition of Each Souls Existence April 30, 2010

Posted by Carole Lynne in Author Carole Lynne, Spiritual Priority, spirituality in action, Uncategorized.
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Each one of us is a unique individual, while at the same time we are all part of the One.  Following is an excerpt from a channeling session published in Cosmic Connection: Messages for a Better World.

The following words remind me that each one of us can be of service to ourselves and the world in our own unique and original manner.


The moon serves the earth.

Life in many forms is available for service.

The moonside of your heart is available.

Open the petals one by one, and service shall flow from the center.

Sometimes service is waiting quietly and doing nothing.

Often the highest service is no action of any kind,

But simply the recognition of each soul’s existence.

Honor the beauty of each soul, and the service will begin to flow

as a natural stream flows down a mountain.

Service can be found in all areas of life.

It does not need to be organized always.

Go today and experience the beauty of the universe.

That is all.

End of excerpt

As I go through my spiritual journey, it does feel as if the petals are opening one by one, and each time a new petal opens, a new spiritual adventure begins.

I feel grateful for the ever expanding spiritual path.

Psychic Medium and Author Carole Lynne



Spiritual? January 13, 2010

Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Feeling Better, Love, Spiritual Awakening, spirituality in action, Uncategorized.
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This week I spoke with a woman who has had a lot of trouble with the so-called “spiritual people” in her life. 

I know that when I first realized I was a medium and entered what I thought of as the “spiritual life” I learned the hard way, that not everyone around me was “spiritual.”  After several years of difficult experiences, I realized that labels mean nothing, and that there are extremely spiritual people who would never use the word “spiritual.”

Being spiritual comes from the thoughts we have and the actions we take as we live our daily lives. It does not matter what kind of work we do, how much money we have, or what spiritual path or religion we are part of.   Becoming spiritual is a life long process of letting go of the ego, allowing ourselves to become more connected to the Divine, and doing for others as we would want them to do for us. Seems to me I have seen that idea in most of the spiritual texts in the world.

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne



Season of Giving December 23, 2009

Posted by Carole Lynne in Spiritual Priority, spirituality in action, Uncategorized.
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 This is the season of giving and the time for us to make a commitment to give all the time, not just at the holidays.  For those of us who are comfortable enough in our life styles to be able to buy presents for others, decorate our houses and to do all the things we do at holiday time: this is a time for us to make a greater commitment to giving to those in the world who have no houses, or who live in huts covered with straw.  Of course we deserve to have a good holiday, but we must use this time to realize that the wealth of the world is not shared enough. There are too many people whose children do not have enough to eat, schools to go to, medical care, and clean clothing to wear. 

Sometimes it is painful to think about the needy. It is easier for each one of us to give our small donations and then feel that we have done our part.  It is only fair to say, that for some of us, small donations are all that we can afford. However, many who read these words have enough wealth to share if they are willing to give up some of the expensive items they usually enjoy.  Many are wealthy enough to leave money to their children, live well themselves, and still give a good proportion of their wealth to those who have nothing.  But it may mean getting over habits such as buying the most expensive handbags and shoes, and staying in the most expensive hotels. It may mean seeing a trinket in a store that costs a couple hundred dollars, and realizing in that moment, that $200 USD in some countries would feed a child for a year or so.  Do we really NEED that extra trinket when a child somewhere is starving?  If each one of us, no matter what our financial situation, gave up just a little bit more to charity, we might see great results as we help the needy.

If you are interested in giving to the needy, there are a number of projects that I have investigated and I will be happy to share information with you.

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne

Carole Lynne is author of Cosmic Connection: Messages for a Better World, Consult Your Inner Psychic, How to Get a Good Reading from a Psychic Medium, and Heart and Sound.

