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Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Feeling Better, Grief, Love, mediumship, practical action, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Priority, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Uncategorized, Worries.
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Pain of Regret Healing.png


Painful photo? YES as the pain of regret IS very painful. Everything I have learned from BEING a parent and everything I have learned from the messages of apology that come through from loved one’s in eternal life to their children still living has taught me: there is no such thing as a perfect parent. And there is no such thing as a perfect human being. At least I have never met such a unique creature. ( In fact those parading around as perfect spiritual guru’s frighten me the most.)

SOOOOOOOO, should we stop TRYING because we can’t be perfect? If you say “yes” to that –  it is the same as being on a healthy diet, having something not so healthy to eat and then deciding all is lost so you might as well food binge for the next month.

FACE THE PAIN OF REGRET: Think about that ONE DAY that changed your whole life, at least it seemed like it did. You made a mistake. If only you could take that day back. The movie of that day plays over and over in your mind, year after year. This was a day you made a mistake as a parent.  There may have been other mistakes on other days, but this one day looms large on the horizon of your visions of the mistakes you made.

Do those mistakes matter now? Of course they matter now, but if you have faced your mistakes, have become a more balanced person, apologized for your mistakes, then it is high time that you FORGIVE YOURSELF even if you are not forgiven by others.


Were your parents perfect? Most likely not. Did they make mistakes that you have never forgiven them for in your heart. (It goes without saying that if you have been brutally abused you may not be able to forgive.)  But for the better part of us who had parents that ranged from close to perfect to emotionally abusive due to untreated mental illness or personality disorders: we have parents who loved us but who make mistakes that changed our lives in the same way that our mistakes changed the lives of our children.  It is amazing how we begin to understand and forgive the mistakes of our parents as we begin to understand our own mistakes AS parents.

As a medium I can tell many stories about the loved ones who come through in readings with very specific apologies to their living children. And as these loved ones in spirit are able to apologize it appears to me that they are able to move on in the never ending spiritual growth in Eternal Life.

YOU reading this, are still living and so you have the opportunity to apologize NOW.  You have the chance to forgive yourself NOW.


If you have children who have reached adulthood, have they been perfect children? Have they always treated you and other members of the family well? Most likely they have not as they are human beings like the rest of us and they are not perfect. As you forgive yourself for not being perfect, you may begin to forgive not only your parents, but your children.

And if your grown children are parents, most likely they will not become perfect parents as they are human beings and there are no perfect human beings.


There are colleagues in my field who believe that every thing we do, we do for the reason of learning, and everything that happens is meant to happen. I am not able to go along with that idea, and from my perspective there is absolutely no way to prove that concept. When someone is brutally abused I cannot accept that this was “meant to be.”

What I do accept is that we do not have control over all that happens in life. What we have more control over is how we respond to what happens.  And if we have behaved badly it was not written someplace in eternity that we were meant to behave badly. We must face our actions, cope with our regret, change our behaviors, and eventually forgive ourselves.  And if others have hurt us, depending on the severity of the circumstances, we need to find our way to forgiveness as much as we possibly can.

Let us focus on forgiving ourselves, and forgiving others. And while facing the regret, also focus on facing the reality that no one is perfect: I am not perfect, you are not perfect, they are not perfect. No one is perfect. Accepting our imperfect reality brings HEALING.

DEAR READERS: This post cannot possibly contain all of the many stories about different kinds of mistakes: mistakes we have made ourselves and the many ways we have suffered from the mistakes made by others.  Not even a whole book could include all of the mistakes human beings make. The topic of mistakes can be overwhelming, but we can make a start by accepting who we are as human beings and work to become better people making less mistakes.






Posted by Carole Lynne in Author Carole Lynne, Feeling Better, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Priority, Uncategorized.
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Looking in Our Own Eyes

LOOK IN THE MIRROR. Look into your own eyes. Realize that each time you try to FIT IN to a role, situation or relationship that you really do not want, you are giving up part of yourself. And as you give up part of yourself, that uses up a lot of vital energy within you.WHAT would you do with that energy that is now being wasted as you try to fit in? How would you “spend” that energy if you could free that wasted energy up from having to do the horrible job of trying to make you be someone else?

Of course there ARE some situations and relationships that you are not going to leave for good reason. But if you are like me and many of those I consult with, there IS room for improvement in your personal journey: the journey to become more of who you really are. And there ARE many roles, situations and relationships that you CAN change.

I think of myself as being very different. And perhaps this is a fantasy as maybe most people think they are different. Perhaps we are all the same in that we all think we are different. No matter what the answer to this riddle is: we can all become more of who we really are!

I have come a long way in being who I am. When I was younger never would I have imagined that as an older person I would be a psychic medium out there in the world: a working medium and a published author. I know many people who are psychic and mediumistic who are afraid to admit their spiritual gifts even to themselves. I remember the years when I was deciding if I was willing to write books, be on television and radio and be know publicly or remain a kind of closeted medium that very few people would find out about.  It was a bit scary to come out as a psychic medium. Not everyone was going to approve of me, some people would say I was a freak or wacko.

LET US ASK OURSELVES LIFE CHANGING QUESTIONS: What would my life look like if I was being more of who I really am? Would I still be working in the same kind of job. would I be working at all, who would I be spending time with, what would my schedule look like, what relationships would I let go of and what kinds of relationships would I be looking for? WHAT WOULD CHANGE? There are as many answers to these questions as there are people who are willing to look themselves in the eyes and ask the questions.

LIFE IS SHORT SO DO NOT WAIT: I kinda understood that life is short when I was younger, but with years of experience as a psychic medium communicating with the spirits of those who have passed on, I really know that life is short.  And with years of comforting clients who are mourning the passing of a loved one: I know now that life is short.  Of course I have also been in deep grief over the passing of my own loved ones, and each time another of my family or friends makes a transition into eternal life, I learn once again that life is short. 

Don’t misunderstand this message. It is not a message that begs you to turn your whole life upside down in a day. It is a message that says “LOOK INTO YOUR OWN EYES AND SEE WHO YOU ARE. BECOME MORE OF WHO YOU ARE IN YOUR EVERYDAY LIFE AS LIFE IS SHORT.”



Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Author Carole Lynne, Grief, Love, mediumship, Spirit Communication, Spiritual Priority, Spiritualism Religion, Uncategorized.
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Many of us who work as professional mediums have had a number of teachers who have influenced our lives and our work as mediums. Many who receive readings from us do not realize how important our teachers are to us. Most of us have had one main teacher and in addition have attended workshops with the best mediums around the world: many who seem to work in the UK.  Our beloved teacher Glyn Edwards made his transition to the world of Spirit May 31, 2015 and all of us who considered him one of our important teachers, are very sad indeed. While we know his spirit will live on in eternal life, we shall surely miss his physical presence.

GLYN EDWARDSIMG_5977Hope to have a better quality photo for you soon. He was an extremely evidential medium and a very handsome man.


On June 7th we dedicated our Spiritualist church service to Glyn at the Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism. Rev. Mary DiGiovanni chaired the service, I performed the music and the speaker/medium for the day was a medium visiting us from Scotland: Reverend Sandy Campbell. Was it a coincidence that all there of us studied with Glyn?  Below is a picture of the three of us along with a woman who came to turn pages for me when I sang: Melissa Garlisi.

Right to left: Rev, Mary, Rev. Sandy, Rev. Carole Lynne and Melissa Garlisi. We had a beautiful service and we all felt the presence of Glyn.

Glyn: we thank you for all that you have given us and we know that you will continue to be with us as you work with us from the Spirit Side.

We send our love to all of your family and friends as well as to the many people around the world who call you “teacher.”


Psychic Medium Carole Lynne




Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Author Carole Lynne, Dreams, Feeling Better, mediumship, Spirit Communication, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Education, Spiritual Priority, Spiritualism Religion, spirituality in action, They Don't Understand.
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I am very pleased that DailyOM shared an excerpt of my new book. click on the link to go to DailyOM. They have many good articles.


http://www.dailyom.com/library/000/003/000003445.html  CLICK ON LINK FOR DailyOM


Carole Lynne









Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Author Carole Lynne, Feeling Better, mediumship, practical action, Spirit Communication, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Education, Spiritual Priority, Spiritualism Religion, spirituality in action, They Don't Understand, Your Questions About Spirit.
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I wrote this book because many people have called and emailed me about spiritual experiences they are having. Or the loved ones of “emerging psychics” got in touch with me as they were either excited or scared to death by the experiences these emerging psychics were having.  I KNOW that this book will be of great help to anyone having psychic or mediumistic experiences. Click on the book cover, and you will be linked to Amazon where you can read all about this book.

Hope you read it. I wish someone had written this book for me 40 years ago. I could have used it and saved years of anxiety over my psychic gift.

Carole Lynne










Receiving All That Is October 8, 2011

Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Dreams, Feeling Better, nature, Spiritual Priority.
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How often do we close off all that is being offered?

How often do we focus on petty things and miss the glory and wonder of what is being offered?

Each day is a miracle to be received if only we will receive it.

How can we transcend the petty moments of life that are a drag on our spiritual foundation? When will we know that when we focus on Divine Consciousness we will find peace?




Spiritual Growth June 1, 2011

Posted by Carole Lynne in Carole Lynne reads Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Feeling Better, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Education, Spiritual Priority.
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Following is a quote of The Mother, one of the founders of the Sri Aurobindo Society in Pondicherry, India. Her words help me to understand that everything we do in life can only be accomplished at the level of spiritual perfection to which we have evolved.



An aimless life is always a miserable life. Every one of you should have an aim. But do not forget that on the quality of your aim will depend the quality of your life.

Your aim should be high and wide, generous and disinterested; this will make your life precious to yourself and to others.

But whatever your ideal, it cannot be perfectly realised unless you have realised perfection in yourself.

– The Mother [CWMCE, 12:3]

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne



Inner Decisions May 30, 2011

Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Carole Lynne reads Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Feeling Better, Spiritual Priority.
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Making decisions can be difficult, especially when we have a life changing decision to make, and our minds are taking us hither and yon.  The Mother, one of the founders of the Sri Aurobindo Society in Pondicherry, India, has some words that I find extremely helpful. This quote is from “Looking Within” Compiled Works with an Introduction by A.S. Dalal


” One may try to find out what is the truest thing to do, but it is not by a mental discussion or a mental problem that these things can be resolved. Is is in fact by an inner attitude which creates an atmosphere of harmony – progressive harmony – in which all one does will necessarily be the best thing that could be done in those particular circumstances. And the ideal would be an attitude complete enough for the action to be spontaneous, dictated by something other than an outer reason.”

Reflecting on these words helps me to calm my mind and get in touch with the inner being who knows my true path, much better than my noisy mind.

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne






If Not NOW, When? April 24, 2011

Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Dreams, Feeling Better, nature, Spiritual Priority.
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When shall we start doing the things that mean most to us? When shall we start spending time with the people we care most about? Have we cluttered up all our free time with things we really do not want to do? All of these are good questions during the spiring: a time of renewal.  The flowers are blooming and so should we.



Ahhhhhhhh Security April 17, 2011

Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Dreams, Feeling Better, Grief, Spiritual Priority.
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Ahhhhhhhh Security.  We all want security. We all want to know that everything will turn out great.  Sometimes we are looking for a spirit to arrive riding a magic carpet and waving a magic wand.  These are the makings of great movies, but not the makings of real life.  Real life demands that each one of us take responsibility for our actions. Real life knows that we have to work hard for whatever we get, and sometimes we have to do things we are not crazy about doing.

A musician was talking about how his band has no jobs these days due to the economy, so he is working as a salesman in a department store because “sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.”  This man’s broad smile is so radiant he could light up Grand Central Station in New York City.  While he does what he needs to do and even ENJOYS doing it, another person complains and complains, does not look for work, and ends up sleeping on the sofa of this friend and that friend.  This will continue until all the friends are used up.

The keys to security are: taking responsibility and doing what you gotta do, believing that things will get better, and believing in yourself.  Oh, and there is one MOST important key: laughter.  No matter what the occasion, there is always time for a laugh.

(If you think this post will benefit someone you know, please pass it on)

