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Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Feeling Better, Grief, Love, mediumship, practical action, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Priority, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Uncategorized, Worries.
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Pain of Regret Healing.png


Painful photo? YES as the pain of regret IS very painful. Everything I have learned from BEING a parent and everything I have learned from the messages of apology that come through from loved one’s in eternal life to their children still living has taught me: there is no such thing as a perfect parent. And there is no such thing as a perfect human being. At least I have never met such a unique creature. ( In fact those parading around as perfect spiritual guru’s frighten me the most.)

SOOOOOOOO, should we stop TRYING because we can’t be perfect? If you say “yes” to that –  it is the same as being on a healthy diet, having something not so healthy to eat and then deciding all is lost so you might as well food binge for the next month.

FACE THE PAIN OF REGRET: Think about that ONE DAY that changed your whole life, at least it seemed like it did. You made a mistake. If only you could take that day back. The movie of that day plays over and over in your mind, year after year. This was a day you made a mistake as a parent.  There may have been other mistakes on other days, but this one day looms large on the horizon of your visions of the mistakes you made.

Do those mistakes matter now? Of course they matter now, but if you have faced your mistakes, have become a more balanced person, apologized for your mistakes, then it is high time that you FORGIVE YOURSELF even if you are not forgiven by others.


Were your parents perfect? Most likely not. Did they make mistakes that you have never forgiven them for in your heart. (It goes without saying that if you have been brutally abused you may not be able to forgive.)  But for the better part of us who had parents that ranged from close to perfect to emotionally abusive due to untreated mental illness or personality disorders: we have parents who loved us but who make mistakes that changed our lives in the same way that our mistakes changed the lives of our children.  It is amazing how we begin to understand and forgive the mistakes of our parents as we begin to understand our own mistakes AS parents.

As a medium I can tell many stories about the loved ones who come through in readings with very specific apologies to their living children. And as these loved ones in spirit are able to apologize it appears to me that they are able to move on in the never ending spiritual growth in Eternal Life.

YOU reading this, are still living and so you have the opportunity to apologize NOW.  You have the chance to forgive yourself NOW.


If you have children who have reached adulthood, have they been perfect children? Have they always treated you and other members of the family well? Most likely they have not as they are human beings like the rest of us and they are not perfect. As you forgive yourself for not being perfect, you may begin to forgive not only your parents, but your children.

And if your grown children are parents, most likely they will not become perfect parents as they are human beings and there are no perfect human beings.


There are colleagues in my field who believe that every thing we do, we do for the reason of learning, and everything that happens is meant to happen. I am not able to go along with that idea, and from my perspective there is absolutely no way to prove that concept. When someone is brutally abused I cannot accept that this was “meant to be.”

What I do accept is that we do not have control over all that happens in life. What we have more control over is how we respond to what happens.  And if we have behaved badly it was not written someplace in eternity that we were meant to behave badly. We must face our actions, cope with our regret, change our behaviors, and eventually forgive ourselves.  And if others have hurt us, depending on the severity of the circumstances, we need to find our way to forgiveness as much as we possibly can.

Let us focus on forgiving ourselves, and forgiving others. And while facing the regret, also focus on facing the reality that no one is perfect: I am not perfect, you are not perfect, they are not perfect. No one is perfect. Accepting our imperfect reality brings HEALING.

DEAR READERS: This post cannot possibly contain all of the many stories about different kinds of mistakes: mistakes we have made ourselves and the many ways we have suffered from the mistakes made by others.  Not even a whole book could include all of the mistakes human beings make. The topic of mistakes can be overwhelming, but we can make a start by accepting who we are as human beings and work to become better people making less mistakes.






Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Author Carole Lynne, Uncategorized.
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,;I know I have been away from this blog for quite a while but I am committed to checking your comments regularly now.  I learn from all that you share with me, so please share your comments.


Some days I find myself running around in circles. I become frantic about schedules and I really try to do TOO much.  How about you? Do you over schedule your days?

I am so grateful to be writing books and composing music related to spiritual development because as has been said “WE TEACH WHAT WE NEED TO LEARN.” Yes, by this time in my life I have studied a great deal and experienced many years of work in the field of spirituality. But the truth is that I need to refocus myself each day and continue to evolve spiritually just as much as you do.  And unless you are the one perfect person in the human race, then you still have room to grow and unfold spiritually.

When I remember to stop and remember that while I am an individual I AM PART OF THE ONE, then I calm down and understand that whatever I am so frantic about does not really matter that much in the whole scheme of things.  I need to remember to slow down, breathe, and for me: listen to or perform music.  Music is vibration and the vibes of a certain piece of music can totally change my mood and my energy level at the moment.


How do you bring yourself back in touch with the spirit within when you realize you are
“off track and out of control?”  SHARE WITH US AS WE ALL LEARN FROM EACH OTHER

Psychic Medium and Spiritual Musician Carole Lynne


Carole Lynne on Sound Cloud












Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Author Carole Lynne, Grief, Love, mediumship, Spirit Communication, Spiritual Priority, Spiritualism Religion, Uncategorized.
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Many of us who work as professional mediums have had a number of teachers who have influenced our lives and our work as mediums. Many who receive readings from us do not realize how important our teachers are to us. Most of us have had one main teacher and in addition have attended workshops with the best mediums around the world: many who seem to work in the UK.  Our beloved teacher Glyn Edwards made his transition to the world of Spirit May 31, 2015 and all of us who considered him one of our important teachers, are very sad indeed. While we know his spirit will live on in eternal life, we shall surely miss his physical presence.

GLYN EDWARDSIMG_5977Hope to have a better quality photo for you soon. He was an extremely evidential medium and a very handsome man.


On June 7th we dedicated our Spiritualist church service to Glyn at the Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism. Rev. Mary DiGiovanni chaired the service, I performed the music and the speaker/medium for the day was a medium visiting us from Scotland: Reverend Sandy Campbell. Was it a coincidence that all there of us studied with Glyn?  Below is a picture of the three of us along with a woman who came to turn pages for me when I sang: Melissa Garlisi.

Right to left: Rev, Mary, Rev. Sandy, Rev. Carole Lynne and Melissa Garlisi. We had a beautiful service and we all felt the presence of Glyn.

Glyn: we thank you for all that you have given us and we know that you will continue to be with us as you work with us from the Spirit Side.

We send our love to all of your family and friends as well as to the many people around the world who call you “teacher.”


Psychic Medium Carole Lynne



MORE THAN A MEMORY? January 25, 2015

Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Dreams, Feeling Better, Grief, Love, mediumship, Spirit Communication, Spiritual Awakening.
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We all miss our loved ones who have passed on into the spirit world. And we have many memories. Some memories are good and some are bad. Just like life: sometimes good and sometimes bad.

As a psychic medium there are times when I experience a memory of a loved one in spirit, and I sense that it is NOT JUST a memory, but also a communication from the world of spirit.  How do I know that to be true?  Because when I do readings for others where I communicate with the spirits of their loved ones, whom I know NOTHING about, and the clients understand the information regarding the “memory” I know we are in contact with a loved one of theirs. The spirit is proving to both me and the client that this is MORE than a memory: it is a communication from spirit.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Treasure the moments in your life when you have great memories about loved ones who have passed on, or even loved ones living: whom you do not get to see very often. Whether your good memory is of going to Hawaii or Disney World, or hanging out at the corner grocery store or riding in the back of the van: treasure those memories.

And be aware that when you have memories of someone who has passed on, it may be a spiritual communication for you.

Psychic Medium Carole Lynne




WHO IS THIS TREE FOR? December 12, 2014

Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Author Carole Lynne, Dreams, Feeling Better, Love, nature, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritualism Religion, Uncategorized.
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IMG_5272As I decorate this tree it is for all of those who have passed on to the eternal world of the spirit, and for all of those whom I love who are still living. Each time I put another ornament on the tree I am filled with all the good and bad memories of my childhood, of the years I raised my kids, the years I helped raise my grand kids, and now in my older years, for all of my older friends, some just lingering on the earth for perhaps a few more years, and for all of my younger friends who are still building their lives and not looking back quite as much as I do now.

It is wonderful to look back as I trim the tree. I have trimmed SO many trees and I have so many memories that it becomes hard to hold on to all of them.  Some memories just fade with this years.


The ornaments are beautiful and as the tiny lights flash on and off I am again reminded of how wonderful Christmas was when I was a small child, when I had small children and when I had small grand children. The family is getting older now and while we still have fun, I do miss the babies. Who knows, perhaps I shall live long enough to know a great grand child.  That DOES happen these days.  Ah yes, there is a future to look forward to even as I look back at my memories.

Carole Lynne






Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Author Carole Lynne, Dreams, Feeling Better, mediumship, Spirit Communication, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Education, Spiritual Priority, Spiritualism Religion, spirituality in action, They Don't Understand.
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I am very pleased that DailyOM shared an excerpt of my new book. click on the link to go to DailyOM. They have many good articles.


http://www.dailyom.com/library/000/003/000003445.html  CLICK ON LINK FOR DailyOM


Carole Lynne









Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Author Carole Lynne, Feeling Better, mediumship, practical action, Spirit Communication, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Education, Spiritual Priority, Spiritualism Religion, spirituality in action, They Don't Understand, Your Questions About Spirit.
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I wrote this book because many people have called and emailed me about spiritual experiences they are having. Or the loved ones of “emerging psychics” got in touch with me as they were either excited or scared to death by the experiences these emerging psychics were having.  I KNOW that this book will be of great help to anyone having psychic or mediumistic experiences. Click on the book cover, and you will be linked to Amazon where you can read all about this book.

Hope you read it. I wish someone had written this book for me 40 years ago. I could have used it and saved years of anxiety over my psychic gift.

Carole Lynne










The Way We Were Then August 18, 2014

Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Author Carole Lynne, Feeling Better, Grief, Love, spirituality in action, They Don't Understand, Uncategorized, Worries.
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One of the hardest challenges in life is accepting change and that things and relationships never stay the same. Of course we are joyful when the changes are wonderful and beautiful, but when the changes leave us feeling sad and alone, it is difficult to accept change.  When the changes are hard to accept, we want things to be “the way we were then.”  When we are in grief over change: be it the passing of a loved one, be it a change for the worst in a relationship or job, it becomes almost impossible at times, to move on into happiness once again.

Many of us become depressed as we are unable to accept that things are not the way they were, and in our lack of acceptance of the present, we miss all the beautiful things life has to offer RIGHT NOW IN THE MOMENT.

It goes without saying thaCarole Lynne Mauit when a death occurs, no one is going to be able to move into happiness for quite some time. But eventually, even when are in grief over the passing of a loved one, with time and patience, we will learn to accept our new life. We will learn to accept that things can never be the way they were then.

Acceptance and gratitude become our best friends when we are sad.

For many of us the anniversaries of the passing of loved ones or of relationships that ended, set off emotional upheavals. If we know that the anniversary of an upsetting event is coming up, perhaps we can plan something nice to look forward to during the time of the anniversary. In doing so we will be making a statement to ourselves, that even though it is a sad anniversary, it is the anniversary of something that did not happen today, but perhaps long ago.  TODAY we need to find happiness, even as we have sad feelings about the past.

Certain times of the year are more challenging than others.

Let us pray that all of us can find a way to find the blessings in life every day, mo matter what happened in the past. As we create more better days NOW, we are creating better memories to live with a week from now, a month from now and eternally.

Carole Lynne



http://www.soundcloud.com  (search Carole Lynne)


Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Uncategorized.
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There are days when I find myself rushing around the house, or rushing from one place to the other in the car. When I stop and ask myself “DO YOU REALLY NEED TO RUSH” the answer is often NO.  I am rushing because it is a habit.

TAKE JUST A COUPLE MINUTES: Listen to this meditation. It helps me and may help you to let go of your thoughts and go into a different state of consciousness.  You may find yourself in touch with your inner spirit (inner voice) that may be so much wiser than your conscious mind. I find when I do this short meditation, I stop rushing so much. I am more aware that I really DO have the time I need.

START SOUND: If Beyond Mind Meditation does not start immediately, click orange button to left above title.

Carole Lynne









older-couple-walking.jpg July 9, 2013

Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Grief, Love, nature, Spiritual Awakening.
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Yesterday the phone rang and it rang again, and each time I answered a call I received news of the passing of someone I know or someone close to someone I know. I also received news of a man who has just entered Hospice Care.  And as I went about my day living the life as a psychic medium, I received calls from clients who wanted to make appointments for readings in the hopes of hearing from their loved ones in spirit.  As I listened to the many tears in the voices of those who called, at first I felt overwhelmed and then I remembered that as we are all born we all die.  Life is a precious time and then it is over.

Awhile back I wrote a song called Roses.  Here is the link. http://snd.sc/ZVTwmd

This link will take you to sound cloud.  Click on the triangle in the orange circle over a song called “Roses”

This song is about life’s passages and when I listen to it, I am helped to remember and accept life and death.


Carole Lynne
