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Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Author Carole Lynne, Dreams, Feeling Better, mediumship, Spirit Communication, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Education, Spiritual Priority, Spiritualism Religion, spirituality in action, They Don't Understand.
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I am very pleased that DailyOM shared an excerpt of my new book. click on the link to go to DailyOM. They have many good articles.


http://www.dailyom.com/library/000/003/000003445.html  CLICK ON LINK FOR DailyOM


Carole Lynne









Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Author Carole Lynne, Feeling Better, mediumship, practical action, Spirit Communication, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Education, Spiritual Priority, Spiritualism Religion, spirituality in action, They Don't Understand, Your Questions About Spirit.
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I wrote this book because many people have called and emailed me about spiritual experiences they are having. Or the loved ones of “emerging psychics” got in touch with me as they were either excited or scared to death by the experiences these emerging psychics were having.  I KNOW that this book will be of great help to anyone having psychic or mediumistic experiences. Click on the book cover, and you will be linked to Amazon where you can read all about this book.

Hope you read it. I wish someone had written this book for me 40 years ago. I could have used it and saved years of anxiety over my psychic gift.

Carole Lynne










Spiritual Growth June 1, 2011

Posted by Carole Lynne in Carole Lynne reads Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Feeling Better, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Education, Spiritual Priority.
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Following is a quote of The Mother, one of the founders of the Sri Aurobindo Society in Pondicherry, India. Her words help me to understand that everything we do in life can only be accomplished at the level of spiritual perfection to which we have evolved.



An aimless life is always a miserable life. Every one of you should have an aim. But do not forget that on the quality of your aim will depend the quality of your life.

Your aim should be high and wide, generous and disinterested; this will make your life precious to yourself and to others.

But whatever your ideal, it cannot be perfectly realised unless you have realised perfection in yourself.

– The Mother [CWMCE, 12:3]

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne



Tolle Tells It As It IS April 3, 2011

Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Feeling Better, nature, practical action, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Education, Uncategorized.
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Reflect on this quote by Eckhart Tolle: “Find the “narrow gate that leads to life.” It is called Now. Narrow your life down to this moment. Your life situation may be full of problems–most life situations are–but find out of you have any problems at this moment. Not tomorrow or in ten minutes, but now.  Do you have a problem now?” 

What INCREDIBLE advice, and something we have all thought about, but perhaps not in exactly the way Tolle has put it.

Most of the time, we do NOT have a problem at the time, or in this moment. While our desk may be piled high with bills, as we sip our coffee and get ready to pay bills, we do NOT have a problem in this moment, unless we choose to flood our minds with unhappiness about writing the checks. In fact, as we write the checks we do not have a problem. We are simply writing checks.  YES, having a lot of bills IS a problem if we are short on funds to pay all of them, but as we work through the problem, moment to moment, we can still enjoy life unless we choose to be in a bad mood.

Tolle’s words are worth reading every day.  Many of us who worry and fret too much could become much happier people, right now!

(If you think this post will help someone YOU know, please pass it on.)

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne



Control Over Time March 28, 2011

Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Feeling Better, nature, practical action, Spiritual Education.
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What a waste of time, trying to have control OVER time. Time has its own way ultimately, and as much as we would like to control the universe, we ultimately can only have control over the actions we take and how we respond to that which is put in our path.

As a psychic medium, I am aware of how many people want to believe that everything is destined in their life.  I know there are psychics who may believe that, but there is nothing that I have ever experienced as a psychic medium that has led me to believe that everything that happens is destined.  What I do see is that things happen in life, and each one of us has a choice as to how we respond.  We also have a great deal of choice as we take actions. We have free will and can have a huge influence on the quality of our lives.

Spirit can guide us and help us to create the life we want, but in my perception, cannot control everything that happens.

(If you think this message will be helpful to someone you know, please pass it on.)

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne



Choice November 12, 2010

Posted by Carole Lynne in Carole Lynne reads Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Feeling Better, practical action, Spiritual Education.
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“People who take pleasure in writing ugly things show a great poverty of mind – it is always a sign of a poverty of mind. It is infinitely more difficult to tell a story beautiful from beginning to end than to write a story ending with a sensational event or a catastrophe. Many authors, if they had to write a story which ends happily, beautifully, would not be able to do it – they do not have enough imagination for that. Very few stories have an uplifting ending, almost all end in a failure – for a very simple reason, it is much more easy to fall than to rise. It is much more difficult to end one’s story on a note of greatness and splendour, to make one’s hero a genius seeking to transcend himself, because for that one must be a genius oneself, and this is not given to everybody.”

– The Mother [CWMCE, 4:155]

Carole Lynne comments: I love reading quotes by The Mother as she is clear and definiate about the fact that all of us have a choice as to what we create in our lives.  Whenever I feel lazy or sorry for myself in any way, all I have to do is read words by The Mother, and I am back on track. Excuse my slang, but for me she is a “tough cookie.” She is a no-nonsense, you can do it, woman.

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne



We Are Our Destiny October 4, 2010

Posted by Carole Lynne in Carole Lynne reads Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, nature, practical action, Spiritual Education.
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Sometimes we like to blame fate, destiny and just about anything else we can find to blame when we are not happy with actions we have taken. Here is a quote by the Mother, one of the two founders of the Sri Aurobindo Society. These words are very helpful!!!

“There are mistakes… one knows they are mistakes, but still it is as though one were pushed into making them. Then?
Pushed by what? Ah, this is exactly what happens! It is the lower nature, the instincts of the subconscient  which govern you and make you do things you should not do. And so it is a choice between your will and accepting submission. There is always a moment when one can decide.
. . .And it is a choice between weak submission and a controlling will. And if the will is clear, if it is based on truth, if truly it obeys the truth and is clear, it always has the power to refuse the wrong movement. It is an excuse you give yourself when you say, “I could not.” It is not true. It is that truly you have not wanted it in the right way. For there is always the choice between saying “yes” and saying “no”. But one chooses to be weak and later gives oneself this excuse, saying, “It is not my fault; it was stronger than I.” It is your fault if the thing was stronger than you. Because you are not these impulses, you are a conscious soul and an intelligent will, and your duty is to see that this is what governs you and not the impulses from below.”

– The Mother [CWMCE, 6:343-44]

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne



At a “Certain Age” Use It or Lose It June 16, 2010

Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Feeling Better, Love, nature, practical action, Spiritual Education.
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You are in charge of your life and when you get to a certain age, you will notice that there are those who can hardly move and those who move like people twenty years younger. In most cases, our own behavior influences our abilities to use our minds and bodies as we get older.  Obviously in some circumstances, those who cannot move have been in an accident or have another disability that makes movement difficult. But the disabled also have the opportunity to improve themselves and many work incredibly hard at it!

If we want good physical health we have to move. If we want good mental abilities we have to study and learn something new so that our brains get a good “workout.” 

If we want to leave this earth in the highest consciousness possible, we need to make spiritual development part of our daily work. 

Yes, there is alot to do to keep physically, mentally and spiritually fit, but it is worth it.  All of us have to make choices to stop doing all the things that are not really important, and focus on our well-being.

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne



How to GET THINGS DONE in 3 Steps June 8, 2010

Posted by Carole Lynne in Dreams, Feeling Better, Love, practical action, Spiritual Education, Spiritual Priority.
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My mother was a writer in Los Angeles and she told me that some people sit around Beverly Hills coffee shops and talk about writing, while others stay at home and write.  And my mother was, excuse the pun, RIGHT!  There are those of us who talk about it and those of us who do it.

Here are three steps to GET THINGS DONE:

Step One Dream and Imagine: Spend several days having visions of a project you want to create.   Daydream and encourage yourself to dream about this project when you go to sleep, as the sleeping mind is incredibly creative!  Talk to people about your ideas and welcome suggestions from others.  As you dream and fantasize about what you want to do, let this be an exciting and creative time. For instance, if you are going to build a cabinet, this is the time to imagine all the different kinds of woods you could use, the different size cabinets you could build, and the different finishes you might use on the cabinet.

But after three days of daydreaming and talking to others about your ideas, END step one and move onto step two.

Step Two Plan and Organize: Grab a notebook and create a file on your computer to put your project plans in writing. Make a list of the tools and supplies needed, create a schedule of work days to complete this project.  Take your supplies list and go to the store, or if it is information you need to gather before working on the project, gather it NOW.  If you are building a cabinet, this would be the time to go buy the wood, the cabinet door hinges and the finishing stains or glosses.

Step Three Avoid Distractions and  Complete the Project: It is time to focus, focus and focus again and again. The planning is over, the supplies are at hand and now the hardest job you have to do is to avoid the distractions that can keep you from completing the job. Up until now it has been fun and exciting as you have enjoyed your creative ideas and laughed and talked with people about your ideas.  Now it is time to stop daydreaming and talking to others and actually DO the work.  If your mind starts to bring you more and more ideas for other projects, tell your mind that right now you are working on THIS project.  And if your terribly creative mind will not stop bringing new ideas, then keep a Project Ideas notebook handy and write down those ideas QUICKLY and get back to work on the project at hand.

If you are building a cabinet, now you will cut the wood,  build the cabinet and apply the finishing stain or paint.  In other words, you will DO the work. You are not creating the idea, you are not gathering supplies: you are DOING the work.

And when you finish you will feel the incredible satisfaction that completing a job brings.   At this moment, and not a moment before, congratulate yourself.  But NO pats on the back until the job is finished. Remember that almost there is NOT there.

Follow these three important steps and you will GET THINGS DONE.

Spiritual Teacher and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne



LOVE YOUR BACK: 7 tips for back-comfort April 20, 2010

Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Carole Lynne reads Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Feeling Better, Love, Spiritual Education.
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Pain in the back? After years of back pain, I finally found the way to be pain-free most of the time.  Before I share  my thoughts about back care,  it goes without saying that anyone with serious back pain needs to see a physician, as these five tips may not be appropriate for everyone.

One: Realize that each and every one of us living on this earth is a spirit, simply clothed with a physical body, until it is time to shed our physical bodies and return home to the Source of our existence.  Your body is simply the temple that houses your spirit and therefore you must take very good care of your body.

Two:  Face the reality of WHY you have back pain.  For most of us it is not because we have been in a car accident, or injured our backs seriously.  If so, then of course on going medical help is needed.  But for most of us, we are in back pain because we eat too much, exercise too little, and are not conscious of the ways we move our bodies in our daily life.  Most of us are in fact, injuring ourselves.

Three: Once you know why you are having back pain, create a diet, exercise and lifestyle that will keep you pain-free. If you need help creating a plan, see your doctor and get advice on diet and exercise.

Four: Consider getting additional care from a chiropractor and/or acupuncturist.  I have had great results with these complimentary therapies.  My chiropractor. Dr. Robert Gensler,  also offers free classes in back exercises and instructions on how to move. I have learned that the way I get in and out of a car, and the way I move when I get out of a chair is important.

Five: Monitor yourself as you go through your day and like a “movement detective” find out how you are hurting yourself. Are you sitting on a sofa that is too low for you?  Do you need to buy a chair that is more back-friendly? Are you jerking your hips around when you get out of your car?  Pay attention to every move you make for a week, and you may discover how you are hurting yourself.  Once you know, then you can learn how to move properly and avoid self injury.

Six:  Stretch Stretch Stretch, both morning and evening, and through out the day if you have time.  Our muscles get tense as we go through our fast paced lives.  And for those of us who are leading lives that are a bit too slow, stretching is just as important.  Unless there is a good reason for you to sit in a chair for hours, do not sit there. Get up and move. Even if you work in an office behind a computer, get up and stretch every half hour for 30 seconds, or stretch in your chair.

Seven:  Be devoted to a spiritual practice. It does not matter if you are part of a major religion or another kind of spiritual group, or would prefer to read spiritual books on your own.  I have benefited a great deal from reading books by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. You can find their books by visiting www.sriaurobindosociety.org.in As you engage in the spiritual practice of your choice, you will be inspired and motivated to take better care of your body, knowing that it is a temple for your spirit which is a spark of the Divine.

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne

