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COLOR OF MY SKY February 10, 2015

Posted by Carole Lynne in Carole Lynne Travel, Dreams, Feeling Better, nature, Spiritual Awakening.
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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHow is it that the colors of the sky make such an impression on me. As I look through photographs I find so many pictures of the sky. Why do I take so many pictures of the sky? Perhaps because there is a part of my human soul that wonders “what is up there?”  Looking at the sky: be it dark and full of stars, be it cloudy and full of rain, or be it a sky that paints colors across itself as the sun goes down, the sky moves me and takes me outside my ordinary reality. I can forget myself and my individuality and become lost in the colors of the sky.  Can you?

Carole Lynne




Beauty In Mind March 25, 2011

Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Dreams, Feeling Better, nature, practical action, Spiritual Priority.
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Have a better day by focusing on beauty.  Imagine all the colors of the rainbow or the colors one sees when graced with an incredible butterfly.   As you see beautiful colors, or bring them to your consciousness through your imagination, you will feel better.

As human beings, with human eyes, we need to see beauty and color is truly beautiful.   A vision of a color can change your whole day.  Notice colors through out your day.

Also see color with you spiritual eyes. Take a color break, and close your eyes and bring colors into your imagination. Right now imagine the blue of the sky and water, and as you see those images, allow the colors to change to different shades of blue, just as the sky and sea seem to change colors, right before our eyes.


(If  this message will be helpful to a friend, pass it on)

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne



Healing Swirls of Color May 15, 2010

Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Feeling Better, nature, Spiritual Awakening, Uncategorized.
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Focus on the colors of life and receive the healing vibrations of the universe.

Focus your eyes on the beautiful color and drink in the visions that will relax your mind.

Allow yourself the time to stop and notice the beauty that is all around you.

Allow yourself to walk slowly and see what is before you.

Absorb the energy from the colors and feel the healing begin.

Absorb the energy from all the colors and see life from a positive perspective.

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne



Color My Energy April 25, 2010

Posted by Carole Lynne in All About Spirit, Feeling Better, nature, Spiritual Priority, Uncategorized.
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Absorb the colors of the world and life can be so rich and wonderful

Focus on the colors of all around you, and life will be vibrant and exciting

Color is vibration and vibration is the energy of All THAT IS

Find your rewards in the colors of the day

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne

